Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: April 2007

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Today is Easter Sunday. Recently I have been reading alot about a new craze in the USA for young people. It's sort of a game which uses hand/eye co-ordination in addition to speed and talent. The game uses little cups called "Speed Stackers". Stories I have read spoke of tournaments and challenges being held in schools as well as larger events with big prizes. Maybe this is the beginning of a movement back to real games involving people and skills and away from virtual reality??? In a weak attempt to get Chris off his butt and moving while having fun...I spent hours searching online and calling area stores in search of the allusive cups. It seems they are popular in the USA but have sold so well??? in Canada that they were only available around Christmas time. I finally found a place that had them in stock...Scholars Choice, in London. I went and got the basic cup set for Chris' Easter gift along with the standard chocolate goodies. He did watch the dvd which came with the set and tried stacking while watching it but soon retreated to his room again. I'm guessing this is another of my failed attempts to get this child moving and interested in something other than tv.
