Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Quechee, Vermont

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Quechee, Vermont

This first picture is one of the Quechee gorge. Below that you will see one of the many amazing buildings we noticed in a small town called Woodstock in Vermont. It was a very nasty hot day and we did not spend as much time there as we would have if it had been more tolerable. We do plan to return again in nicer weather to check out the town on foot. we spent the rest of that day and the night in nearby Quechee. There I enjoyed hours in the indoor pool while Deb caught up on our laundry. Thanks for the clean clothes Deb. The next morning, early, we wandered out and down the street to the shopping centre at Quechee gorge where we discovered the moose carvings and also to the gorge itself where we walked along part of the trail system until we decided it was really too hot even at 8 am. The bridge is actually the highway crossing the gorge.

These were the final pictures from our trip. After Quechee our travels were mostly by car and not so many hikes. We did walk through some stores and malls especially when we manged to get into Erie, Penn. Our plans included a night closer to Buffalo but the motel prices between Erie and Buffalo just seemed too high and we really don't need to purchase more things so we ran for the border and spent a night in a cheap Port motel before visiting with Mom, Jon, Terry and Shirley then coming home. We planned to return to bring a bunch of things to mom toward the end of this week, but forecast of more heat to come made us change our plans. We drove back to Crystal Beach on Tuesday morning. We took mom with us shopping in Buffalo since she seldom gets there. I managed to make a wrong turn on Elmwood so I decided to tour the city and go to a different store closer to the Peace Bridge. We had a great day and Mom was happy with her purchases and all the things we brought to her. We later had a nice visit with the Smyth family and with Sandy Beroud before we had another quiet night in that cheap Port motel. This morning we had a leisurely drive back home and I still have a few more vacation days to enjoy!


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