Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Weight Loss Journey

Friday, December 03, 2010

Weight Loss Journey

For anyone who doesn't already know, I had surgery on October 20,2010. The doctor removed 85% of my stomach in a procedure known as VSG. The part that is left is referred to as a "sleeve" due to it's shape. I can currently eat 2-5 ounces per sitting depending on the consistency of the food. I am feeling pretty good and loving the fact that my clothes keep getting too big for me.
Maybe you can see the changes in the photos here. At the top was Dec. 1st. Below that was same shirt but a month earlier on Nov. 1st just a short time after surgery. At the bottom is a photo of Deb and I taken over the summer or maybe even in September...before surgery.


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