Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: West Driving Trip 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

West Driving Trip 2010

The following bunch of entries showcase the road trip that Deb and I took from end of June through beginning of July 2010. We had planned a longer trip because we had expected Chris to be working at Camp KeeMoKee for the summer. During our first week away our neighbour discovered on our answering machine, a message saying that Chris has now been accepted into auto body pre-apprenticeship training program at Fanshawe College. The message got passed on to Linda who then let us know. Linda was great, handling Chris being sent home after his first day of work tryouts and then keeping him occupied until the following week. She made sure he was at the college on time for registration and drove him back and forth for his first couple of days until we made it back into town. Chris is now settled into a place of his own in London. Actually it is a place he shares with 2 other guys but with no parents that qualifies as "place of his own". He did come home for a day last weekend so that he could pack up the essentials like his XBox, TV and computer. At this point he isn't sure if he is going to come home this weekend or maybe not until next weekend. It is good to see he is enjoying his independence and we hope he is doing well in school. So far he claims that he LOVES the program. I hope that is the truth and not just what he knows we want to hear!

Now that we are back at home, both Deb and I are back into job search mode. We are hoping to be able to find part time employment close to home. I am still awaiting surgery approval for gastric bypass. My appointments continue with nutritionist and social worker follow ups next week. After those I will hopefully have my file finally passed on to a surgeon. OHIP has made quite a long process out of referrals now but at least I am moving on through.


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