Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Glacier National Park westbound

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Glacier National Park westbound

We went to "going to the sun road" where we took the free tour bus to the top of the park. On the way we stopped for construction and took some pics of the great views. Lots of melt water runoff from snow higher up and closer to the top. At the top we encountered snowbanks over 5' high and in the spots where the snow had been cleared there were these little Colombian Ground Squirrels running around. Apparently they live in boroughs in the ground even under the snow. They were sort of a cross between the Prairie Dogs we had already seen and the red squirrels we see near home. Cute to watch them scurry around. We did finally see a lone Alpine Sheep but he moved too fast to get a good picture. Still no moose!


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