Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: HIGH SCHOOL

Friday, September 08, 2006


School's back!!!!
Well Chris made it through his first week in high school! He is enrolled in a special program called "pathways". It is a school based co op program desgined to keep kids in school while teaching them the fundamental skills they need to enter the work force. In a few months he will begin doing co op workplacments to help him learn how to be a good employee. At this point he is very much looking forward to that and also to his tech classes where he will be learning welding, woodworking and auto shop techniques. Cool stuff for kids to do!
Home is another matter. This week he seems determined to make Deb and I totally crazy. He has argued about doing homework and chores. Whined about everything! Also he has cried a few times over silly things. I guess it is the stress of the new school environment but we gotta stop these behaviours before he makes us nuts!!
Times like this make me wonder how we made it this far and how do we get through these final years before he reaches adulthood??


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