Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Chris at Camp Borden

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Chris at Camp Borden

Chris is now into week 2 of his 6 week cadet leader summer training at Camp Borden. He left home carrying $40 and has since been paid $60 cash. He almost called collect last night but rethought the issue, before I had a chance to accept the call, he hung up. What this tells me.... is that he is now broke and has run out of time on the calling card we gave him ...AND....he is likely lonely and a bit sorry for himself about having to follow orders and actually DO things (other than sit and play XBox). Don't feel too bad for him..... we are going to visit him this weekend and plan to have him spend the night with us somewhere near Borden. We will take our little Yorkie, Dusty, with us too. She misses him too! I sure hope Christopher is NOT calling other people collect just for something to do. That behaviour would be just too much like his biological mother and we DEFINATLY don't want that!!!.


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