Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Mockingbirds and black vultures

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Mockingbirds and black vultures

Mockingbirds were everywhere in the south.  They are very loud and make so many varied noises that it often sounded like flocks of birds in the trees when it was only one or two of them. The pictures here show one singing at the top of a tree and then a  shot of another who did a little mating dance for our entertainment while we enjoyed a picnic lunch.

Black vultures appear to hang out in groups.  We came across a bunch lounging around the edge of a small lake and these few seemed to be the lookouts perched above the group on a bridge. As we approached these guys let the other know we were coming and everyone flew off before we could get a group photo.

Another interesting group of birds we came across in Mississippi was Cattle EgretThis type of Egret hangs out in fields or grassland and often with groups of cattle who stir up insects for them to consume.  Unfortunately the single flock we watched was too far away in a field of cattle for us to get a good picture.  They were roosting in a tree and jumping around following the cows.  Very cool to watch since we don't have these in Canada. click the link to see what they look like.


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