Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Walk in the woods

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Walk in the woods

These are a few pictures I took yesterday while Deb and I were out walking in the woods. Lots of beautiful red trillium there.
Even more of the common white trillium
These pretty little yellow things(maybe buttercups?) were growing along a stream
I was pleasantly surprised to find these just starting to emerge. We used to call them Jack-in-the-pulpit but I don't know if that is a proper name or not.
I'm so glad to have the sunny, dry weather back which allows me to get out on the trails again. Last week we managed to squeeze in a short hike at Fingal. No wildlife on that tour as there was a large group of kids biking on the grounds while we were there.


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