Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Port Elgin, New Brunswick

Friday, February 15, 2013

Port Elgin, New Brunswick

The trip was awhile ago so I am not sure how many days or exactly which route we took but we finally arrived at the rental cottage shown with the car parked in front.  The view of the car with ocean in background shows how close we were to the water.  Access to the beach was across the grass and between a couple of private cottages.  The beach pictures show the sand and rocks on "our beach".  While we were there I tried to walk on the beach at least once a day.  I was impressed by how much the waterfront changed with the daily tides...always something new to look at.  

We spent most days on short adventures.  Travels took us to various nearby sights in New Brunswick, PEI and into Nova Scotia.   The nearest large shopping center was in Amherest, NS.
I enjoyed shopping there and sightseeing the many town sculptures and beautiful old buildings.


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